I'm pretty happy about my current balance kit transmog...
- [Self-Reflecting Mask]
- [Tyrannical Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders]
- [Robes of the Shattered Fellowship]
- [Obsidian Arborweave Gloves]
- [Windflame Girdle]
...but my favorite transmog set is actually my guardian kit, which is unfortunate because I'm always a bear when I'm wearing it. I feel this outfit more embodies the feral side of a druid, which is why I just wouldn't use it for my balance kit (also because the polearm makes this outfit.)
- [Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm]
- [Mantle of Darkness]
- [Gnarled Chestpiece of the Ancients]
- [Liar's Tongue Gloves]
- [Taut Dragonhide Belt]
- [Skulker's Greaves]
- [Edgewalker Longboots]
- [Hellreaver]
- [Tabard of Brute Force]
I notice that some feral and guardian druids don't bother with transmog. It's a bummer because we already can't use a majority of costumes and disguises, and some that we were able to use before, they changed purposefully to disallow us from using them. I used to be able to use [Leyara's Locket] and I did so, regularly, but since those days it was changed to not allow us to use it anymore. I know they added the [Burning Seed] which only druids can use, and we can appreciate that, but I just don't see the difference between me looking like a night elf druid of the flame or me looking like a tauren druid.
Druids have always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to appearances. After they added moonkin and tree of life form, no matter what specc you were you couldn't see your gear. Now you can only enjoy costumes if you're resto, but you better not have to use your tree of life cooldown or it's gone. I'm thankful that I can at least enjoy dressing up my balance druid, but the best I get for variety while feral or guardian is [Glyph of the Chameleon].
There are always more important things to worry about and I'd rather there be focus on gameplay and class balance rather than whether or not druids can use costumes, but it irked me a bit when I saw that I could no longer use my druid of the flame costume when I used to be able to.
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